If you’re wondering where to buy aluminum EMT conduit, you’ve found the best place. American Conduit will deliver the best conduit, and at a very affordable price. You’ll never have to worry about us running out, so you won’t have to deal with downtime because your conduit supplier left you high and dry when you needed them the most. You simply can’t make a better choice than American Conduit.

About PullEase EMT

Where to Buy EMT Aluminum ConduitThere are several companies that sell aluminum EMT, of course. But none of them offer PullEase aluminum EMT. Our product is revolutionary – and we don’t say that lightly. The interior of PullEase is slightly ridged, so there’s much less friction. As a result, you won’t have to apply any lubrication. Your installation will go much faster as a result.

Not only will it go much faster, it will also be much more efficient. The average 10-foot section of steel conduit weighs about 100 pounds. A 10-foot section of PullEase EMT only weighs a third of that. How many workers do you normally assign to the average installation? More than likely, it takes two, or even three, workers to lug around steel conduit. Since PullEase EMT is so much lighter, you’ll more than likely only need one worker.

The efficiency and cost savings will be more than you might have imagined possible. Aluminum conduit costs anywhere from 10-20 percent less than steel conduit on average. Plus, you’ll see substantial labor savings as well. It’s not at all uncommon for our customers to save hundreds of thousands of dollars simply by changing to aluminum from steel.

The Benefits Don’t Stop There

As if significant cost savings aren’t enough, there are other advantages to using aluminum conduit as well. If you think steel is the only way to go, the following information might change your mind.

  • It might seem that saving money would mean you’d have to sacrifice in other areas, namely strength. That’s not the case at all when you make the switch to aluminum. We treat our conduit with 6000 Series alloys. The result is a product that is incredibly strong – just as strong as steel.
  • Not only does our aluminum conduit stand up to steel in the area of strength, it surpasses steel when it comes to durability. Unless steel is coated with expensive materials, it will eventually degrade due to rust and corrosion. That won’t happen with aluminum, because it’s naturally protected with a coating of aluminum oxide. You can use aluminum conduit in the most corrosive, wet environment there is and it will continue to perform.
  • Aluminum is also a much safer choice. Steel can emit sparks, making it incredibly dangerous to use in a volatile setting. Aluminum, on the other hand, doesn’t spark, and it also doesn’t emit fumes like steel. You can use aluminum conduit with complete confidence and peace of mind.

When you add up all of the benefits, there’s simply no reason not to make the switch to aluminum. You’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

Learn More

Hopefully, you now know that American Conduit is the best choice when deciding where to buy aluminum conduit. If you would like more information, please give us a call at 1-800-334-6824 or use our convenient online form.