If you’re looking for RMC electrical conduit, the experts with American Conduit have exactly what you need. Our aluminum conduit comes in a wide range of sizes, and we always have plenty in stock. We can get you the conduit you need fast, so you won’t ever need to worry about expensive downtime.

RMC Electrical ConduitAll of the products we carry are made from tough, durable aluminum. If you think that it won’t stand up to the test, we’re ready to convince you otherwise. Thanks to the 6000 series alloys we use, our aluminum is just as strong as steel, but a lot lighter weight. These are just some of the areas in which aluminum far outperforms steel.


Aluminum conduit from American Conduit is about 30 percent lighter than steel. It’s a lot easier to carry, and a lot easier to install as well. This can help reduce the chances that one of your workers will suffer an injury trying to carry something too heavy for them to handle.

Cost Savings

Not only can you save on labor costs, you’ll also save on material expenses as well. Aluminum costs as much as 20 percent less per foot than steel, and, thanks to it being lightweight, costs a lot less to ship.


Steel can corrode over time unless it has a special protective coating. Aluminum has a natural coating that makes it resistant to corrosion as well as rust. Since it doesn’t need added coating, aluminum is very resistant to moisture as well. It’s a perfect fit for any sort of damp environment, or any environment that involves the use of abrasive chemicals. Aluminum is commonly used in infrastructure projects such as bridges, tunnels and parking garages for this very reason.

Safety Considerations

It can be extremely dangerous to use steel in any sort of volatile setting, because it can emit sparks. Aluminum, on the other hand, doesn’t spark and it doesn’t burn. It’s perfectly safe to use in any sort of flammable environment, such as a coal mine, a wastewater treatment facility, a grain elevator or a refinery.

Another attribute that makes aluminum safer than steel is conductivity. Aluminum conducts heat much more efficiently, making it safe to touch in extreme heat or cold. In fact, unlike steel, aluminum actually gets stronger in cold weather.

Protective Qualities

Aluminum reflects radiated heat as well as visible light, and it’s also non-magnetic. It is safe to use in any application that involves magnetic fields, because it will protect sensitive equipment from radiation emitted by wiring.

Environmental Friendliness

One of the aspects of aluminum we’re most proud of is that it’s completely recyclable. You might not know this, but three-quarters of all the aluminum that has ever been produced is still being used. You can recycle aluminum time and time again, and it will never lose its strength or any of its other attributes.

How Can American Conduit Help You?

Whenever you need RMC electrical conduit, the professionals with American Conduit will be ready to help. Each and every one of our staff members is passionate about not only customer service, but also quality. When you purchase from us, you can rest assured you’ll be getting the best conduit in the industry. Learn more about us by calling 1-800-334-6825 or contacting us online.