When the time comes to replace electrical conduit, the professionals with American Conduit will be ready to help. We’ve been in business for four decades, and you don’t achieve that sort of longevity without doing something right. Our customers know that we’ll provide them with the highest quality conduit, and will do so at a price they can afford. They also know that we’re devoted to total customer satisfaction – no matter what kinds of questions or concerns you may have, we’ll be here for you.

The Secret Behind the Strength of Our Products

Replace Electrical ConduitMany engineers and contractors are still under the mistaken impression that steel is the only reliable material for electrical conduit. However, American Conduit aluminum conduit beats steel in many, many ways.

For example, our conduit matches steel when it comes to strength, but exceeds it in terms of durability. How is this possible?

Our conduit is as strong as steel because of the incredible 6000 alloys we use to fortify our aluminum. These alloys contain materials such as zinc, magnesium, copper and silicon. You’ll actually find these alloys in the aluminum found in many aerospace and automotive applications. That’s one of the reasons why vehicles contain a great deal of aluminum – it not only protects occupants by absorbing energy, it’s also strong enough to handle the wear and tear of the road.

But there is more to the strength of American Conduit products than just alloys. We also employ special processes when manufacturing our aluminum conduit. These include both cold and hot rolling. When you heat aluminum and then immediately cool it, that gives aluminum an exponential level of strength. One of the reasons so many customers use aluminum conduit is that it actually gets stronger as the temperatures get colder.

The Other Advantages of Aluminum

While we’re obviously biased, we truly believe that aluminum is superior to steel in several areas. For one, aluminum makes much more since from a financial perspective. Aluminum is about a third of the weight of steel. As a result, you can save a great deal of money – not just when you purchase our conduit, but when you need to ship it as well.

The costs savings aren’t limited to materials, either. Because aluminum is so light, you don’t need to devote as many workers to moving and installing it. You’ll not only save in labor costs, you’ll also see increased efficiency because you can devote those other workers to different projects.

You can find case studies of clients that have realized incredible savings – not just tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands of dollars – by switching from steel to aluminum. The chances are very good that we can do the same for your company.

Aluminum also won’t rust or corrode like steel. You can use it in moist environments with complete confidence, because it won’t break down as time goes by. Unlike steel, aluminum has a natural, protective coating known as aluminum oxide. You won’t have to worry about it rusting as a result.

We’d Love to Hear From You

If you need to replace electrical conduit, let the experts with American Conduit help. We’ll let you know exactly what kind of conduit you need, and the length and width of conduit that will work best for your specific application. Contact us online or call 1-800-334-6824.