You should never purchase your metal electrical conduit from any other source than American Conduit. That might seem like a bold statement, but each and every one of our team members believes it to be true. All of our products are unsurpassed when it comes to durability and performance, and all of our experts are here to give accurate, informative answers to all of your questions. If you’re not sure what size of conduit is best for your specific job, just ask and we’ll be glad to tell you.

PullEase Aluminum EMT

Metal Electrical ConduitAmerican Conduit has been the undisputed industry leader for decades. One of the reasons why is that we’re always looking for ways to bring even more value to our customers. The recent introduction of our PullEase aluminum EMT to the market is just the latest example.

PullEase offers a ridged interior unlike any other kind of conduit. You’ll not only get incredible performance, you’ll also enjoy an unprecedented level of convenience. No longer will you need to lubricate your conduit in order to pull wiring. PullEase EMT eliminates that need for good. Not only that, but it’s also eco-friendly, lightweight, and resists corrosion and rust.

American Conduit PullEase EMT is 50 percent lighter than steel. As a result, you’ll save a great deal of money on materials. If you ever need to ship your conduit to another location, you’ll save on shipping as well.

As an added benefit, you’ll enjoy significant labor savings while increasing efficiency. Carrying and installing a 10-foot section of steel can take up to three people, since that section weighs about 100 pounds. Instead of needing three workers, you’ll only need one when you use PullEase EMT. You can assign the other two to another job, and save a bundle in the process. Many of our customers save tens of thousands of dollars – and even more – just by switching from steel to aluminum conduit.

Other Reasons to Make the Switch

There are a lot of companies out there that naturally turn to steel whenever they need conduit. They’ve done it for years, and they really don’t see the need to change. Hopefully, you can count your competitors among the “steel only and always crowd.” If you change to aluminum, you’ll gain a significant advantage.

The perception is that steel is the strongest material for conduit by far. But that’s not the case with our aluminum conduit. The reason is we use special alloys to treat our aluminum, making it not only as strong as steel, but longer lasting as well. Aluminum doesn’t degrade over time due to corrosion or rust. Steel, on the other hand, will do just that.

You’ll find aluminum in every vehicle on the road today, because automakers prefer it to steel. Aluminum offers just as much protection for drivers and passengers, and it also makes a car lighter – and more fuel-efficient as a result.

So if you trust aluminum to protect you while you’re driving, you can definitely trust it to protect your cables and wiring – and to do so for decades to come.

Contact Us for More Information

If you want to learn more about metal electrical conduit from American Conduit, please get in touch with us at your earliest convenience. You can use our online contact form or give us a call at 1-800-334-6824.