You won’t find a better selection of external electrical conduit at a better price than what we offer at American Conduit. But just because you’ll be saving a lot of money, that in no way means you’ll be sacrificing at all when it comes to quality. In fact, our aluminum EMT (electrical metallic tubing) and RMC (rigid metal conduit) is actually better than steel. It’s lighter weight, it’s just as strong, and it won’t corrode.

About American Conduit

External Electrical ConduitAmerican Conduit has about four decades of experience delivering the best aluminum conduit you’ll find in the entire industry. We are extremely proud of the fact that we’re part of the world’s leading aluminum extrusion company, Hydro. As a result, we have a virtually unlimited supply of aluminum – about a million pounds on hand at any particular time.

In addition to an incredible supply, we also have a network of more than 20 stocking warehouses throughout the United States, as well as more than 30 distributors. So, you’ll not only have access to all of the conduit you’ll ever need, you’ll also receive your conduit quickly and efficiently. You’ll never again have to worry about running out of conduit when you need it the most because your supplier didn’t have it in stock.

The Many Benefits of Aluminum RMC

If you’re not familiar with RMC, it’s extremely durable. It has thick walls and threaded tubes that are built to withstand substantial impacts, all the while protecting the cables and wiring inside of them. You won’t have to worry about any sort of electromagnetic interference from those wires or cables, because aluminum will shield your sensitive electronics from that interference.

For years, galvanized steel was considered to be the superior material for RMC. However, that’s no longer the case. These are just some of the many, many reasons that more companies are turning to aluminum.

  • Aluminum offers cost savings of between 10-20 percent per foot compared to steel.
  • You’ll also save up to 75 percent on labor costs, since aluminum is about one-third the weight of steel. You won’t need to devote as many workers to an installation.
  • Aluminum has a higher strength-to-weight ratio than any other metal in existence. As a result, our conduit will stand up to whatever kinds of challenges you have.
  • Our conduit is available in a wide range of diameters, from ½-inch to 6 inches.
  • You can install our conduit faster than you can steel, and you don’t need to put forth nearly as much effort. Our conduit provides a very smooth pathway for cables and wires.
  • Aluminum is an incredible electrical as well as thermal conductor. It doesn’t matter how hot or cold the outside temperature may get – aluminum will always be safe to touch.
  • Steel can catch fire or emit sparks, making it extremely dangerous for use in certain volatile environments. Aluminum doesn’t pose any of those risks.
  • Aluminum will not corrode or rust over time. Steel will, unless it’s coated with extremely pricey materials.

Take the Next Step

Now that you know the advantages of aluminum external electrical conduit, it’s time to put those advantages to use. Please get in touch with American Conduit if you would like more information. You can use our online contact form, or you can give us a call at 1.800.334.6825.