Are you looking for EMT with faster wire pulling capabilities? Then you’ve come to the best possible place. At American Conduit, we have the aluminum conduit you need to take care of your job efficiently and effectively. This conduit will allow you to pull cable as quickly as steel, and you’ll save a great deal of money in the process. A lot of people think steel is the only material good for pulling cable, but that’s not the case at all. When you turn to aluminum, it will be one of the best decisions you can make for your company’s bottom line.

The Incredible Strength of Aluminum

EMT With Faster Wire PullingWhen you think of aluminum, the first thing you might think of is a soda can. You could easily crush that can with one hand, so how strong could it be? Well, it’s really strong. Even though aluminum weighs 30 percent less than steel, it can be made in a manner that makes it just as strong – if not even stronger. We use 6005 aluminum alloys, which make our conduit products tougher than you might have imagined possible.

You probably already know that aluminum is used in automobiles. In fact, it’s the second-most popular material found in vehicles – and with good reason. Aluminum does a great job of absorbing the energy from a crash, protecting the people inside. If the world’s leading automakers are that sold on aluminum, that should tell you something. If aluminum does that good of a job protecting people, imagine how good it will be at protecting your electrical wiring.

What Makes This Strength Possible?

It might not seem possible for aluminum to be that strong, but the fact is that aluminum is tough enough and durable enough to handle the harshest environments. How can this be? The secret lies in chemistry. When pure aluminum is mixed with other elements, this creates incredibly strong alloys.

There are quite a few additives that can not only increase the strength of aluminum, but also it’s ability to be formed into an almost limitless amount of shapes. Here are a few of the elements commonly used to strengthen aluminum.

  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Silicon
  • Zinc

Aluminum-zinc alloys are among the strongest available, used in many different types of industries. These alloys are especially popular in the aerospace and automotive industries.

But alloys aren’t the only ingredients that go into increasing the strength of aluminum. Processing, such as cold rolling or hot rolling, also add strength. In some cases, aluminum is first heat treated and then cooled rapidly in order to strengthen the material.

There are a lot of other reasons why you should use aluminum rather than steel. The most important one – at least where your bottom line is concerned – is that aluminum costs a lot less than steel. We have a lot of real-world case studies of customers who have saved tens of thousands of dollars using aluminum conduit. In some cases, the savings are in the hundreds of thousands.

Contact American Conduit

Let American Conduit be your source of aluminum EMT, with faster wire pulling capabilities than you may have thought possible. We have more than four decades in the industry, and more than 20 distributors located across the country. Call 1-800-334-6824 or contact us online for more information.