American Conduit offers many different sizes of PullEase™ EMT. We also have a team of experts standing by to answer any questions regarding what kind of fittings will be the best for your specific application. Our professionals are committed to providing unmatched customer service, so we’ll always be here when you need us.

Finding the Right Fittings

EMT FittingsChoosing the right PullEase™ EMT (electrical metallic tubing) fittings is important to ensure that the EMT is properly installed and that the electrical wiring is protected. Here are some factors to consider when choosing EMT fittings:

  • Material – PullEase™ EMT is compatible with the same fittings you would use for any other metallic EMT product. You do not need to use special fittings. Both setscrew and compression fittings will work with PullEase aluminum EMT.
  • Compatibility – It is important to ensure that the fittings are compatible with PullEase™  EMT. In general, you can use the same fittings with PullEase that you would use with any other metallic EMT product. Again, we’ll gladly help you determine what kind of fittings will work best for your needs.
  • UL listing – The fittings should be UL listed, which means that they have been tested and approved by the Underwriters Laboratories for use in electrical applications.
  • Code compliance – It is essential to choose fittings that comply with the codes in the area where the installation is taking place.
  • Type of fitting – There are various types of EMT fittings available, such as elbows, couplings, connectors, and hangers. The type of fitting needed will depend on the specific application and the layout of the electrical wiring.
  • Quality – Make sure to choose fittings from reputable manufacturers and check for any defects or damages before installation.

Why Does Aluminum Get Stronger the Colder it Gets?

You can use aluminum EMT in just about any kind of environment. In fact, the colder that environment, the stronger this incredible material gets. Here’s some information on why that’s the case. 

Aluminum becomes stronger when it gets colder due to a ” cold working phenomenon.” Cold working refers to the process of strengthening a material by applying a mechanical force to it at low temperatures. This process causes the atoms in the material to become more tightly packed, resulting in a denser and stronger material.

When aluminum is cold worked, the metal’s atomic structure is changed. The atoms in the material are forced to move closer together, increasing the material’s density and strength. Additionally, defects in the atomic structure, such as dislocations, are introduced as the aluminum is deformed. These defects can act as obstacles that make it more difficult for the atoms to move, increasing the material’s strength.

Cold working also increases the aluminum’s hardness, making it more resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, cold working can improve the ductility of aluminum, which is the ability of the material to deform without breaking.

If you have any questions on PullEase aluminum EMT or just want to learn more about American Conduit, you can use our online contact form or give us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825. We very much look forward to working with you.