Aluminum electrical conduit pipe from American Conduit is the best you can buy – much better than steel. If that comes as a surprise, you’re not alone. Many people assume that something as easy to bend as aluminum couldn’t possibly stand up to the rigors or weather, moisture or harsh chemical environments. But our aluminum is different. We add special aluminum alloys that make our conduit strong, and also make it durable enough to perform for an extended period of time.

Why is Aluminum a Better Option for Conduit than Steel?

Electrical Conduit PipeIt’s actually not that uncommon for people to think steel is a better choice for conduit than aluminum. After all, we grew up hearing phrases like, “as strong as steel.” When most of us think of aluminum, on the other hand, the first thing that typically comes to mind is a soda can – one that you can easily crush using just a couple of fingers.

But thanks to the 6000 series alloys we use, our aluminum blows away all expectations. Our alloys contain many substances, including silicon, copper, zinc and magnesium. They combine to give our aluminum a level of strength you might not think imaginable. But aluminum is a lot stronger than most people give it credit for being. It’s strong enough to be widely used in the automobile industry, so it’s strong enough for use in your conduit.

Alloys are critical to the strength of American Conduit products, but they’re not the sole reason our conduit is so strong. We use hot and cold rolling, as well as other production methods. When you heat aluminum and then quickly cool it, the material strengthens exponentially. Aluminum gets even stronger the colder it gets – making it a perfect solution for conduit used outside in frigid environments.

But Wait… There’s More

As big a consideration as strength will be when choosing your conduit, there are several other advantages to using aluminum. Cost is a huge one. Aluminum weighs 30 percent less than steel. As you’d expect, it’s a lot less expensive to buy as a result. It will also cost you less to ship to other locations.

There’s another way you can enjoy lower costs by turning to aluminum. Take labor, for example. Because steel is so heavy, it will typically take at least two (and sometimes three) workers to be able to not only carry steel conduit, but also install it. You could take care of the same type of job with one worker in most cases.

Many companies tell us they’ve saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by using aluminum rather than steel. If you want to see incredible savings, you should seriously consider doing the same thing.

Aluminum is not only more cost effective, it’s also more durable. If you’ve ever seen a rusted bike sitting in a junkyard, you know what the elements can do to steel. Imagine putting steel in the ground to protect your valuable wiring. Unless that steel is coated with very costly materials, it will eventually corrode – exposing that wiring in the process.

Aluminum doesn’t corrode, because it’s actually impossible for it to do so. Aluminum has a built-in coating, known as aluminum oxide. That means it won’t fall apart after a certain amount of time.

Learn more about electrical conduit pipe by contacting American Conduit. Get in touch with us online or call 1-800-334-6824.