The name says it all. PullEase™ from American Conduit is the easiest way to pull electrical wire through conduit – and no other product comes close. A big reason why is you don’t have to lubricate PullEase™, unlike other types of conduit. Here’s why aluminum conduit that eliminates the need for lubrication stands out as the best option for electrical wiring:

Efficiency in Installation

Easiest Way to Pull Electrical Wire Through ConduitPullEase™ simplifies the installation process significantly. Lubrication can be messy, time-consuming, and cumbersome, requiring extra steps and materials to ensure smooth wire pulling. By eliminating the need for lubrication, PullEase™ streamlines the installation process, saving time and labor costs for contractors and electricians.

Cost Savings

Eliminating lubrication requirements translates into cost savings for electrical wiring projects. Lubricants can be expensive, especially when used in large quantities for extensive conduit runs. Also, the labor costs associated with applying lubrication and cleaning up afterward can add up quickly. PullEase™ reduces these expenses, making it a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Reduced Maintenance Needs

Lubricated conduits may require periodic maintenance to ensure the lubrication remains effective and doesn’t dry out or degrade over time. This maintenance can involve inspections, reapplication of lubricants, and cleaning to remove buildup or debris. PullEase™ reduces maintenance requirements, saving time and resources over the installation’s lifespan.

Enhanced Durability

American Conduit designed PullEase™ to be more durable and resistant to wear and tear. Lubricated conduits may be prone to corrosion or degradation over time, mainly if the lubricant attracts dust, dirt, or moisture. By eliminating lubrication, PullEase™ can maintain its structural integrity and performance over the long term, ensuring reliable protection for electrical wiring.

Improved Safety

Lubricated conduits can present safety hazards, particularly if the lubricant spills or drips onto floors, surfaces, or electrical components. Slippery lubricants can create slick surfaces, increasing worker and occupants’ risk of accidents or injuries. PullEase™ eliminates these safety concerns, providing a safer work environment for everyone involved in the installation process.

Environmental Considerations

Many lubricants used in conduit installations contain chemicals or additives that can harm the environment. Lubricant spills or leaks can contaminate soil, waterways, or ecosystems, posing environmental risks and liabilities. PullEase™ reduces the environmental impact of electrical wiring installations, promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness.

Compatibility with Modern Technologies

As the electrical industry continues to evolve, aluminum conduit that doesn’t require lubrication is better suited to meet the needs of modern technologies and applications. Lubricated conduit may not be compatible with certain types of wiring, insulation, or specialized equipment. PullEase™ offers greater flexibility and compatibility with various wiring systems and components.

Long-Term Performance

PullEase™ offers superior long-term performance and reliability compared to lubricated alternatives. By eliminating the risk of lubricant degradation, corrosion, or contamination, PullEase™ can maintain its functionality and protective properties for decades, keeping your critical wiring safe from harm.

By choosing PullEase™, contractors and electricians can streamline installations, save time and money, and ensure reliable protection for electrical wiring systems.

The experts with American Conduit would love to tell you more about why PullEase™ is by far the easiest way to pull electrical wire through conduit. You can contact us online or by calling 1-800-334-6825.