There are a lot of places you can buy aluminum conduit in Pennsylvania, of course. But Aluminum Conduit should be your go-to source – just like we’ve been for companies across the country for four decades. If this is your first time purchasing conduit, please don’t hesitate to speak with one of our experts. We’ll listen to what type of application you have, and then recommend the size and diameter of conduit that will be the perfect fit.

Built to Stringent Industry Standards

Buy Aluminum Conduit in PennsylvaniaSome people are still under the mistaken impression that aluminum conduit is inferior to steel. Sure, we’re biased, but we truly believe that aluminum is the better choice – every time. We make our conduit to the same industry requirements as steel. As a result, you can use it with complete confidence, even in the most challenging environments.

Other Reasons to Make the Switch

You won’t have to give up a single thing when changing to aluminum from steel. In fact, you’ll see a lot of advantages. Here are just a few to keep in mind.

  • Aluminum will save you as much as 60 percent per foot when compared to steel. When customers turn to American Conduit, we routinely save them tens of thousands of dollars. There have even been plenty of instances where our clients have saved hundreds of thousands.
  • The reason you can save so much is that aluminum weighs much less than steel. A 10-foot section of steel conduit is nearly 100 pounds, while a 10-foot section of aluminum conduit only weighs in at 34 pounds. You’ll not only pay less for materials, you’ll also see huge savings in labor costs, as well as exponentially increased efficiency. It will only take one worker to install aluminum, whereas it would probably take two – or even three – to do the same thing with steel.
  • Aluminum is also more durable, built to withstand the harshest weather conditions and environments. It stands up to moisture much better than steel, since it won’t develop rust, and it won’t corrode. Also, aluminum actually gets stronger in extremely cold climates. It will also remain safe to touch, no matter how cold or hot it gets.
  • Another reason to change is safety. If you use steel conduit in an explosive environment, the risk of a disaster is always present. Since steel emits sparks, that could lead to a catastrophe. Aluminum doesn’t pose that risk. Not only does it not spark, it also doesn’t burn. You can use aluminum in any sort of volatile setting with complete confidence.
  • Many people remain skeptical because they don’t think there’s any way that aluminum conduit can be a strong as steel. But we use aluminum fortified with special alloys that give our conduit an incredible amount of strength.
  • Aluminum is also much easier to use than steel. You can bend it and cut it without having to use any special kinds of tools. Whatever you have on hand already will work perfectly.

Explore Your Options

We hope you never buy aluminum conduit in Pennsylvania from anyone else except American Conduit. We’ve earned a lot of trust over the years, and we’re ready to earn your continued trust as well. You can get in touch by giving us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825 or contacting us online.