The next time you buy aluminum conduit in Nebraska, remember that not all suppliers are created equal. Some of them will run out of supply when you need it the most, exposing you to the potential for very costly downtime. Or, they’ll have some sort of problem that keeps them from getting it to you on a timely basis. You’ll never have to deal with any of that foolishness when you work with American Conduit.

Buy Aluminum Conduit in NebraskaHow can we guarantee we’ll have what you need, and when you need it? Because we’re part of the biggest extruder of aluminum in the world, Hydro. In fact, Hydro extrudes a half billion – billion, not million – pounds of aluminum every year. They also have a global network of more than 30,000 customers.

What that means is American Conduit always has about a million pounds of product on hand, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We also have a nationwide network of distributors as well as stocking warehouses.

Ready to Make the Switch?

You might be reading this because you’re considering changing from steel to aluminum conduit. Sure, we’re biased, but we truly believe it will be one of the best decisions you could ever make for your business. Doing so will help you save potentially tens of thousands of dollars. If the scope of your project is large enough, your savings could reach into the hundreds of thousands.

We can do this because our aluminum conduit costs up to 60 percent less than steel. This is possible due to the fact that aluminum is so much lighter. Most companies purchase conduit in 10-foot sections. This length of aluminum only weighs about 34 pounds. The same length of steel conduit weighs 98.

It’s obvious that you’ll save on materials, but you’ll also enjoy profound savings when it comes to your labor costs. There’s a pretty good chance that it will normally take three workers to lug a 10-foot section of steel conduit into place, and then install it. Since aluminum is so much lighter, it will only take one to get the job done. You could dispatch those extra two workers to other installations, knocking out three of them in the time it used to take to finish just one.


It’s too good to be true, right? You’ll be saving so much money, you’ll surely have to give up something in the way of durability and strength. When you choose American Conduit products, that won’t be the case at all.

We use special 6000 Series alloys in our aluminum, making it just as strong as any steel conduit on the market. You’re not going to sacrifice a thing, because our conduit will be just as tough, and last just as long. In fact, aluminum will last longer than steel, since it doesn’t develop corrosion, nor does it rust. The only way you can say the same for steel will be if it were coated with expensive materials.

We’ll Help You Explore Your Options

Don’t ever buy aluminum conduit in Nebraska again without turning to American Conduit first. We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. All you need to do to get in touch will be to give us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825 or contact us online.