Not all aluminum EMT & conduit suppliers in Ogden, UT have a team of experts who can provide knowledgeable answers to all of your questions. But that’s exactly what you’ll find when you turn to American Conduit. Our team members will gladly tell you what kind of conduit is best for your application, and what size you need. 

Why Aluminum Conduit Beats PVC

Aluminum EMT & Conduit Suppliers Ogden, UTWhen it comes to electrical conduit, there are several options available, including aluminum conduit and PVC conduit. While PVC conduit has been a popular choice for many years, aluminum conduit is gaining popularity as an alternative option. Here are some reasons why aluminum conduit is a better choice than PVC conduit:

Durability: Aluminum conduit is a much more durable option than PVC conduit. PVC conduit is vulnerable to cracks and breaks due to changes in temperature, making it a poor choice for outdoor installations where it may be exposed to extreme weather conditions. Aluminum conduit, on the other hand, can withstand a wide range of temperatures and is much less likely to crack or break, making it a more reliable choice for long-term installations.

Corrosion resistance: Another advantage of aluminum conduit is its resistance to corrosion. PVC conduit is susceptible to damage from UV rays and chemicals, which can weaken the material and shorten its lifespan. Aluminum, on the other hand, is highly resistant to corrosion, making it a better choice for installations in harsh environments or where chemicals may be present.

Fire resistance: Aluminum conduit is also more fire-resistant than PVC conduit. PVC conduit can melt and release toxic gases in the event of a fire, making it a potential safety hazard. Aluminum conduit, on the other hand, is non-combustible and can withstand high temperatures without releasing toxic fumes, making it a safer choice for electrical installations.

Sustainability: Aluminum is a highly sustainable material, making it a more environmentally friendly choice than PVC. PVC is a type of plastic that is not easily recyclable and can take hundreds of years to decompose. Aluminum, on the other hand, is infinitely recyclable and can be reused without losing its properties, making it a more sustainable choice for the environment.

Easy to work with: Aluminum conduit is easier to work with than PVC conduit. PVC conduit requires specialized tools for cutting and fitting, which can add to the cost of the installation. Aluminum conduit, on the other hand, can be easily cut and bent using standard hand tools, making it a more cost-effective and easier option for electricians and contractors.

Electrical conductivity: Aluminum is a better conductor of electricity than PVC, making it a better choice for electrical installations where conductivity is a concern. This means that aluminum conduit can provide better electrical performance and reliability, particularly in large commercial or industrial applications.

While PVC conduit may be a less expensive option, the benefits of using aluminum conduit far outweigh the cost difference in the long run, particularly in outdoor or harsh environments.

Get in Touch

When you choose American Conduit, you’ll quickly learn why we’re the clear leader among all other aluminum EMT & conduit suppliers in Ogden, UT. Put us to the test whenever you like. We can’t wait to hear from you. Just use our online contact form or call 1-800-334-6825.