If your construction company is committed to achieving its sustainability goals, American Conduit is ready to help you do just that. Not all aluminum EMT and conduit suppliers in Minneapolis, MN, can say the same thing. Here are just some of the environmental benefits of aluminum EMT for sustainable construction.


Aluminum EMT & Conduit Suppliers Minneapolis, MNAluminum is one of the most recyclable materials in the construction industry, with nearly 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced still in use today. Aluminum EMT can be recycled repeatedly without losing its inherent properties or quality, making it a highly sustainable material choice. Recycling aluminum EMT reduces the demand for virgin aluminum ore extraction and minimizes energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental degradation associated with primary aluminum production.

Energy Efficiency

Aluminum EMT is lightweight yet durable, offering a superior strength-to-weight ratio to other materials such as steel or iron. Its lightweight nature reduces transportation energy and fuel consumption during shipping, handling, and installation, resulting in lower carbon emissions and environmental impact. Aluminum’s excellent thermal conductivity also promotes efficient heat dissipation, contributing to energy savings and enhanced performance in electrical systems.

Durability and Longevity

Aluminum EMT is inherently resistant to corrosion, rust, and degradation, even in harsh environmental conditions such as exposure to moisture, chemicals, or UV radiation. Its durable properties ensure longevity and structural integrity, reducing the need for frequent replacements, repairs, and maintenance over the lifespan of the construction project. By minimizing material waste and extending the service life of electrical conduit systems, aluminum EMT promotes resource conservation and reduces environmental footprint.

Low Environmental Impact

The production of aluminum EMT generates minimal environmental impact compared to other materials due to its low carbon footprint and energy-intensive manufacturing processes. Aluminum is extracted from bauxite ore using renewable hydroelectric power, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. In addition, advancements in aluminum smelting technologies, such as inert anode technology and electrolytic reduction processes, further reduce energy consumption and environmental emissions associated with aluminum production.

LEED Certification and Green Building Credits

Using aluminum EMT in construction projects can contribute to achieving Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification and earning green building credits. LEED-certified buildings prioritize energy efficiency, resource conservation, and environmental sustainability, and using recyclable and energy-efficient materials such as aluminum EMT aligns with these goals. Architects, engineers, and developers can earn LEED credits and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable building practices by specifying aluminum EMT in construction projects.

Reduced Landfill Waste

Aluminum EMT is fully recyclable at the end of its service life, diverting valuable materials from landfills and reducing waste disposal. By implementing closed-loop recycling systems and encouraging the recycling of aluminum EMT scraps and offcuts, construction projects can contribute to circular economy principles and resource conservation. Recycling aluminum EMT conserves energy, reduces raw material consumption, and minimizes environmental pollution associated with landfilling and waste incineration.

Renewable Energy Integration

As renewable energy technologies become increasingly prevalent in the built environment, aluminum EMT provides a lightweight and corrosion-resistant conduit solution for safely routing electrical wiring and cables in solar panel arrays, wind farms, and other renewable energy installations. By enabling the deployment of clean energy solutions, aluminum EMT contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Learn more about how American Conduit will do a better job than any other aluminum EMT and conduit suppliers in Minneapolis, MN, helping you meet your sustainability objectives. Contact us online or call 1-800-334-6825.