You’re probably doing your due diligence into aluminum conduit and EMT suppliers in North Dakota, taking your time to make the very best choice possible. The professionals with American Conduit believe you should turn to us rather than spend more time scouring the internet. We will provide you with the highest quality aluminum conduit available, and we’ll do it at a very affordable price.

About American Conduit

Aluminum Conduit & EMT Suppliers North DakotaAs part of the global leader in aluminum extrusion, Hydro, American Conduit has access to virtually unlimited raw material. We keep about a million pounds of conduit in stock at all times, and we have distributors and warehouses across the country. As a result, you’ll always be able to find the conduit you need, and you’ll always receive it in a timely fashion. There aren’t many other suppliers – if any – who can make those claims.

All of our products offer significant savings over steel conduit. Whether you’re looking for our PullEase electrical metallic tubing, or you want our rigid metal conduit, you’ll save anywhere from 40-60 percent versus steel. You’ll also save a substantial amount of money on labor because aluminum is about one-third the weight of steel. You won’t have to devote as many workers to an installation, so your efficiency will skyrocket.

Advantages of Aluminum

In addition to cost savings, there are many other reasons to choose aluminum over steel. Here are just a few to keep in mind.

  • You won’t have to sacrifice a thing when it comes to strength and durability. Even though you might think that’s the case, since aluminum costs less and weighs less, our aluminum is just as strong as steel and will last longer. Aluminum is protected by a naturally occurring layer of aluminum oxide. This keeps aluminum from rusting or corroding. You can’t say the same for steel unless it has very expensive coatings.
  • Staying on the subject of durability, aluminum has another significant advantage. Aluminum gets stronger when the temperatures get colder. It doesn’t crack, and it can actually repair itself if it should be damaged.
  • Safety is the top priority of every operation, of course. Aluminum doesn’t emit sparks and won’t catch on fire. This will be critically important if you’re using conduit in a volatile environment. Steel could be hazardous because it does spark. It also burns. Also, unlike steel, aluminum is safe to touch regardless of how hot or cold the outside temperatures may get.
  • Aluminum conduit won’t only protect your workers; it will also protect your sensitive electronic equipment. Cables and wiring can sometimes produce interference that could damage electronics. Since aluminum is non-magnetic, it will shield equipment from that interference.
  • Finally, aluminum is an incredibly responsible choice from an environmental perspective. It’s completely recyclable – in fact, about three-quarters of all the aluminum that has ever been produced is still being used to this day. You can recycle aluminum repeatedly, and it won’t lose any of its strength or other characteristics.

Get in Touch for More Information

Find out why American Conduit is the clear choice among all aluminum conduit and EMT suppliers in North Dakota. You can contact us online, or you can call 1.800.334-6825.