You’ve no doubt dealt with aluminum conduit & EMT suppliers in Arizona before. You might have been frustrated because they didn’t have the conduit you needed, or their customer service left something to be desired. You’ll never have to worry about either one of those issues when you work with American Conduit. We have a million pounds of aluminum in stock at all times, and our customer service is unmatched.

Aluminum Conduit & EMT Suppliers ArizonaWhether you’ve been buying conduit for years or this is your first time, there’s a pretty good chance you’re going to have some questions. You might, for example, not be sure about what specific type of conduit you’ll need for your application. One of the things that separates American Conduit from other suppliers is that we take the time to answer all questions we receive. When we say we have a team of experts, we mean it – when you have a question, we’ll be happy to give you an answer. You’ll also be able to rest easy knowing it will be the right answer.

The Reasons to Consider Aluminum Conduit

If you’ve only been using steel conduit for years, then you might be hesitant to try any other type of material. But you’re not only missing out on the many advantages of aluminum, you’re also wasting money. Aluminum has the same strength of steel, and it’s just as durable – it’s actually even more durable when you consider that it won’t rust or corrode. But it’s also much less expensive – up to 60 percent less per pound.

You’ll find our aluminum conduit in just about any sort of application you can imagine. Here’s a brief look at some of them.

  • Coal mining
  • Food and beverage operations
  • Textile manufacturing
  • Power plants
  • Telecommunications
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Explosive environments
  • Electrical installations
  • Paper mills
  • Pulp mills
  • And many others

When you make the change from steel to aluminum, you’ll not only see savings in materials but labor as well – and those savings will increase as the amount of conduit you buy increases. Aluminum is one-third the weight of steel – a 10-foot section only weighs about 35 pounds, while the same length of steel weighs closer to 100 pounds.

This is, of course, a major difference. It could also make a major difference to your bottom line. Instead of having to devote two (or even three) workers to a steel conduit installation, you would only have to devote one. That would give you the freedom to assign those other workers to other installations, or other completely different tasks. Your efficiency will skyrocket, and your costs will go down.


Another area in which aluminum beats steel – hands down – is in the area of durability. Steel will, of course, rust or corrode over time. You could buy galvanized steel conduit that has a rust-resistant coating, but that’s extremely expensive. Aluminum has its own natural, built-in coating of aluminum oxide. This makes aluminum impervious to corrosion, even in damp environments.

Learn More By Contacting American Conduit

You can see for yourself why American Conduit is a leader among aluminum conduit & EMT suppliers in Arizona. Just give us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825 or get in touch by using our convenient online form. We very much look forward to hearing from you.