With nearly a million pounds of product in stock at any time, American Conduit will have the 3 inch rigid aluminum conduit you need, when you need it. We can also deliver your conduit quickly, since we have more than 30 sales representatives located across the United States, as well as 20 warehouses filled with conduit. You won’t ever have to worry about dealing with the frustration and cost of downtime because you ran out of conduit.

Aluminum – The Best Choice for Conduit for Many Reasons

3 Inch Rigid Aluminum ConduitIf you’ve ever used aluminum conduit, you’re already well aware of the many ways it beats steel. If you haven’t, these are just some of the ways in which aluminum surpasses steel, and why you should always use aluminum conduit.

Advantage No. 1: Aluminum Costs Much Less

No matter what the type of project, cost considerations are always at the forefront. Since aluminum weighs so much less than steel – up to 30 percent less – that can help you save a great deal of money on materials. But the savings go farther than that.

Consider the amount of workers it usually takes to move and install steel conduit. If you made the move to aluminum, it would take far fewer workers to do the same job. That can boost efficiency and significantly lower labor costs. If you ever have to ship your conduit to another jobsite, you’ll save a lot of money in that area as well.

Advantage No. 2: Improved Worker Safety

The lightweight nature of aluminum means your workers won’t have to strain nearly as much to move it. That translates to less of a risk of an injury. Also, aluminum conduit doesn’t emit sparks, and it also won’t burn. This makes aluminum the perfect choice for flammable environments such as grain elevators, oil and gas refineries, coal mining operations and many, many others.

Advantage No. 3: Aluminum Doesn’t Corrode

Unless covered with expensive coatings, steel will eventually corrode over time, leaving wiring and cables exposed to the elements. Aluminum has a natural, built-in protection against corrosion. As a result, you can use it indoors or outdoors with equal confidence. No matter how long aluminum stays outside, it won’t break down.

Advantage No. 4: Aluminum Remains Safe to the Touch

Steel can get scorching hot during the summer and freezing cold during the winter, but aluminum is always safe to grasp. The reason is that the metal does an excellent job of conducting heat.

Advantage No. 5: Protection from Electromagnetic Interference

Aluminum also does great job of reflecting heat and light, which makes it a perfect choice for indoor applications where conduit needs to be run near sensitive electronic equipment. You’ll never have to worry about any magnetic field interfering with the operation of that equipment.

Advantage No. 6: Sustainability

You might not know this, but nearly three-quarters of the aluminum that has ever been produced is still being used. The reason is that aluminum can continually be recycled without sacrificing strength, durability, or any of its other features.

Get in Touch with American Conduit for More Information

Whether you’d like to order 3 inch rigid aluminum conduit or you’d just like to learn more about the many benefits of this incredible metal, contact American Conduit. You can get in touch with us by using our online form or by calling 1-800-334-6824.