No matter what kind of job you have that calls for 1 ½ inch electrical conduit, American Conduit can help. We keep one million pounds of conduit in stock at any time, so you’ll be able to count on us to provide the product you need, when you need it – regardless of how challenging your project may be. Thanks to our extensive nationwide network, we can get your conduit to you in the timeliest manner possible.

Safety First

1 1/2 Inch Electrical ConduitAll of our conduit adheres to the strictest safety standards, and is made to the highest quality standards as well. These are just a few of the codes with which our conduit complies.

  • American National Standards Institute C80.5
  • Federal Specification WW-C-540c
  • Underwriters Laboratories UL-6A, Rev. 2004
  • MIL-STD-129
  • MIL-STD-649

All of our aluminum conduit products include high-strength 6063 alloys and are thoroughly inspected for any defects before we ship them to customers.

Protecting the Planet

Aluminum is a material that is extremely friendly to the planet. It’s 100 percent sustainable and recyclable. You might not realize it, but about three-quarters of all aluminum that has ever been produced is still being used this very day. The reason is that aluminum can be used over and over again without sacrificing its strength or any of its other numerous benefits.

When aluminum is recycled, that not only saves energy but also helps to save the planet. Recycled aluminum only generates 5 percent of the energy needed to produce the material from virgin ore. In addition, it only generates 5 percent of the emissions.

In Canada and the U.S. alone, more than 5 million tons of aluminum is recycled year in and year out. About 2 million tons go to other countries as scrap, while about 3 million goes toward domestic use.

Aluminum Vs. Steel

When you think of conduit, there are typically two choices – aluminum and steel. Here are just a few of the ways in which they compare.

  • Code requirements – Aluminum meets the same code requirements as steel. It’s not only just as strong, it’s also just as safe.
  • Easy to cut – Some people think that it’s harder to thread and cut aluminum than steel, but that’s not the case at all. You can easily and quickly get the threads and cuts you need by using the dies and cutting tools you probably already have.
  • Easy to pull – There’s also a train of thought out there that it’s tougher to pull cable through aluminum conduit than it is to pull it through steel. Again, though, the facts just don’t bear that out. Studies have shown that the effort it takes to maneuver cable through aluminum is about the same as maneuvering through steel.

If you plan on running your aluminum conduit through concrete, make sure you contact us first. The reason is that the alkalis in cement can react negatively with aluminum. We can apply a special coating to our conduit so that this reaction won’t take place.

A Commitment to Your Success

At American Conduit, we’re passionate about delivering the very best in customer service, whether you need 1 ½ inch electrical conduit or anything else we carry. You’ll always be able to count on us to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. Learn more about what we have to offer by contacting us online or calling 1-800-334-6824.