You shouldn’t buy aluminum conduit in Maryland from any other source than American Conduit. Yes, that’s a bold statement, but we truly believe that’s the case. Our company has been around for a long time because we know how to treat our customers. They come to expect value and quality with every order we place, and we always come through. We’ve been fortunate to build a great deal of trust among the people we serve. If you give us a chance, we’ll do the same with you.

Turn to the Best

Buy Aluminum Conduit in MarylandAmerican Conduit is part of Hydro, the global leader in the extrusion of aluminum. Hydro serves about 30,000 customers worldwide, and extrudes more than a half a billion (yes, billion, with a “B”) pounds of aluminum every year.

We have a virtually unlimited supply of conduit – about a million pounds at all times – as a result. Our company also has a network of distributors and stocking warehouses that stretches across the country. You’ll never have to deal with any downtime because your supplier ran out of conduit when you needed it the most – and you also won’t have to worry about not receiving your conduit on your preferred timeframe.

Built for the Challenge

It doesn’t really matter how difficult an environment you have – aluminum conduit will be the perfect choice. Aluminum is the superior alternative to steel in every way imaginable. Even if you have a workplace filled with moisture and corrosive chemicals, such as a food processing plant, aluminum will come through day after day, year after year.

You can’t say the same thing about steel. Over time, steel will degrade due to rust or corrosion, unless it’s galvanized with extremely expensive coatings. Aluminum has built-in protection against degradation – a natural coating of aluminum oxide. This coating even has the uncanny ability to repair itself when broken or cut.

These are just a few of the applications that use aluminum conduit on a regular basis.

  • Coal mines
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Paper and pulp mills
  • Oil and gas refineries
  • Residential, commercial and industrial construction
  • And several more

A Bottom Line Boost

So, you already know aluminum conduit can stand up to just about any challenge you can imagine. You also know that American Conduit will have the products you need, when you need them.

What you might not know about aluminum is that it can greatly increase your profits as well. Since aluminum only weighs about a third of what steel weighs, you can save an incredible amount of money – up to 60 percent – on materials alone.

But you can also save on labor costs. Conduit usually comes in 10-foot lengths. This amount of steel is about 98 pounds, while aluminum only comes in at about 34 pounds. How many workers do you typically need to assign to a steel installation? Two or three? You’ll very likely need only one to install aluminum. You can assign those others to different installations, and possibly get three knocked out at once.

Ready to Learn More?

Talk to an expert with American Conduit before you buy aluminum conduit in Maryland. It might just wind up being one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. You can get in touch by giving us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825, or you can use our online form.