You might think you can only find easy pull EMT in steel. However, the experts with American Conduit have another option – PullEase aluminum EMT. This incredible patented product beats steel in a number of ways. Aluminum is not only as strong as steel, it’s also a lot less expensive. Plus, the patented design of our Pullease EMT makes pulling wire fast and simple, with no messy lubrication required. We have a nearly limitless supply of aluminum conduit, and a vast, nationwide network of distributors to get it to you whenever you need it. Here’s a look at just some of the reasons you should consider making the switch to aluminum conduit.

Ease of Use

Easy Pull EMTAluminum EMT contains fittings that easily slide into tubing, which are then secured through the use of setscrews. This is a major advantage, because that makes it easy to install your conduit in any sort of odd-shaped environment, such as a portion of a building that curves.

Whether you use conduit in a commercial or industrial application, aluminum is extremely easy to pull. There are some out there who believe otherwise – that pulling cable through EMT made of aluminum simply takes too much effort. But the facts state otherwise. With our new internal ridged design, it’s now just as easy to maneuver cable through aluminum EMT as it is to move it through steel.

Incredible Cost-Effectiveness

Aluminum can be a major boost to your company’s bottom line. Since it costs as much as 20 percent less than steel, that can save you a great deal of money over the long term. Here are just a few examples of how we’ve helped our customers shave tens of thousands of dollars – in some cases hundreds of thousands – off their expenses.

  • A Kansas bridge project – $280,000
  • An Alabama paper and pulp mill – $112,500
  • A project for an Oklahoma electrical utility company – $56,300
  • A North Carolina textile plant project – $43,240
  • A project for the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport – $21,680

There just isn’t any comparison when it comes to the financial benefits of using aluminum versus steel. If you are looking to cut costs – in not only materials but also labor – you simply must consider using aluminum conduit. It just makes sense to do so.

Safety Advantages

If you’ve ever seen sparks fly up from steel conduit, you already know that it can be extremely dangerous to use this material near any sort of volatile substance. But aluminum doesn’t spark, so you’ll never have to worry about using it in any environment. Aluminum also doesn’t get scorching hot – like steel does – when the temperatures soar. It stays cool to the touch. When the temperatures get extremely cold, aluminum actually gets stronger.

Every piece of aluminum conduit we sell at American Conduit meets the most stringent industry standards for safety and quality. Our aluminum products comply with the following codes.

  • UL-6A, Rev. 2004
  • ANSI C80.5
  • Federal WW-C-540c
  • MIL-STD-649
  • MIL-STD-129

Planet Friendly

If you are trying to find ways to make your operations safer for the environment, aluminum can help you do just that. The reason is that aluminum is 100 percent recyclable. In fact, more than 75 percent of all aluminum in use today has been recycled. You can use it time and time again, in all manner of applications, and never worry about it losing one bit of its strength.

Get in Touch

At American Conduit, we have more than four decades of experience in easy-to-pull EMT and other types of aluminum conduit products. Learn more about us by contacting us online or calling 1-800-334-6824.