There are so many benefits of aluminum EMT, they could probably fill a book. American Conduit professionals will be glad to explain why you should make the switch from steel. We’ll also provide you with strong, cost-effective conduit that will last for years. Aluminum’s superior conductivity is just one of the reasons you should turn to this incredible material for all your electrical installations.

Why Conductivity is So Important

Benefits of Aluminum EMT & ConduitThe choice of conduit material plays a crucial role in electrical installations, as it directly impacts the efficiency of power transmission. When considering conductivity, aluminum EMT (Electrical Metallic Tubing) conduit stands out as an excellent option. 

Conductivity refers to the ability of a material to transmit electricity. Aluminum is renowned for its superior electrical conductivity, surpassing many other metals commonly used in conduits, such as steel or iron. With an electrical conductivity of approximately 62% of the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS), aluminum is second only to copper in terms of conductivity among commonly used metals.

The high conductivity of aluminum EMT conduit has numerous advantages. First off, it allows for efficient power transmission within the electrical system. When electricity flows through a conductor, there is always some degree of resistance, which results in energy losses in the form of heat. Aluminum’s excellent conductivity helps minimize these losses, ensuring that more electrical energy reaches its intended destination with minimal waste. This efficiency translates into optimized performance and reduced power consumption, which can lead to energy savings and cost reductions over time.

Improved Performance

In addition to enhancing power transmission efficiency, the conductivity of aluminum EMT conduit contributes to improved overall system performance. When electricity encounters resistance along the path, it can lead to voltage drops, electrical noise, and other issues. By using a highly conductive material like aluminum, voltage drops can be minimized, allowing electrical devices to operate with greater consistency and stability. This is especially critical in applications where voltage sensitivity is a concern, such as in sensitive electronics or equipment that requires precise power delivery.

Moreover, the conductivity benefits of aluminum EMT conduit extend to the prevention of electromagnetic interference (EMI). EMI occurs when electromagnetic radiation emitted by one electrical device interferes with the operation of another nearby device. The high conductivity of aluminum helps to minimize the build-up of electromagnetic fields, reducing the likelihood of interference. This is particularly advantageous in environments where multiple electrical systems are in close proximity, such as commercial or industrial settings.

It’s worth noting that the superior conductivity of aluminum EMT conduit doesn’t compromise its overall performance or safety. Aluminum is a non-magnetic material, which means it doesn’t produce magnetic fields that could interfere with other electrical components or cause issues with magnetic-based equipment.

In conclusion, the conductivity benefits of aluminum EMT conduit make it an excellent choice for electrical projects. Its high electrical conductivity ensures efficient power transmission, minimizing energy losses and optimizing overall system performance. The use of aluminum EMT conduit can lead to improved power efficiency, reduced power consumption, and enhanced electrical stability. Its non-magnetic nature also contributes to the prevention of electromagnetic interference. When selecting a conduit material, considering the conductivity advantages of aluminum EMT conduit is crucial for ensuring a reliable and efficient electrical system.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of aluminum EMT, contact American Conduit online or call 1-800-334-6825.