If you are looking for suppliers of aluminum conduit and EMT in New York that can meet the needs of even your most complex applications, consider American Conduit.

Aluminum Conduit & EMT Suppliers New York

American Conduit is a product brand of Hydro, a fully integrated aluminum company that serves about 30,000 customers globally. We have more than 35 years of experience in the production of PullEase aluminum electrical metallic tubing and rigid aluminum conduit, making the products available to nationwide customers in a wide range of lengths and diameters.

Less Expensive Than Steel

Customers who choose aluminum conduit experience cost savings of 10% to 20% per foot compared to the cost of steel. The two main factors are the combination of extrusion technology and the weight of the material.

Aluminum extrusion is much more productive than its steel counterpart. Since aluminum weighs one-third as much as steel, you can cover more distance with the same amount of weight. One pound of aluminum = three pounds of steel.

It’s easier to transport and requires less effort to lift, move and install. This represents additional cost savings in terms of shipping and labor, as well as improvements in the health and safety of workers.

Superior Performance

Aluminum conduit is more durable than steel, resists corrosion, and will not rust even with extended outdoor exposure, a distinct advantage over the dangerous conditions that arise when steel rusts out.

Unlike steel, aluminum is nonmagnetic and non-sparking, which eliminates the risk of explosion from a spark or fire. It is also virtually maintenance free and requires no painting, extra coatings or treatment.

Aluminum is an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity (second only to copper and half its weight), and offers many shielding and protective qualities. It is ideal in cold-weather applications because cold strengthens the metal, but it will stay cool to the touch even in high temperatures.

These characteristics are particularly important with bridges, tunnels, parking garages and other outdoor construction areas involving infrastructure, as well as refineries, waste water treatment facilities, coal mines and grain elevators.

Environmentally Friendly

Aluminum is a 100% recyclable and sustainable metal. Nearly 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today because it can be infinitely recycled into new raw material without losing any of its superior characteristics.

In the United States and Canada, the industry recycles more than 5 million tons of aluminum each year, of which approximately 3 million tons goes back into the domestic supply and 2 million tons is exported as aluminum scrap and eventually melted and cast in other countries.

As leading suppliers of aluminum conduit and EMT in New York, American Conduit’s solutions are designed and engineered to meet all of your application challenges. Request a quotation today or get in touch with us at 1.800.334.6825 for information.