You might have heard claims from some aluminum conduit & EMT suppliers in New Hampshire about helping you save money while boosting efficiency. But how many of them can actually back up those claims? American Conduit definitely can. We have the strongest, most reliable and most affordable aluminum conduit available. As a matter of fact, we have about a million pounds on hand at all times.

Reasons to Choose American Conduit

Aluminum Conduit & EMT Suppliers New HampshireHow can it be possible that we would have such an incredible inventory of conduit? We’re part of Hydro, the undisputed world leader in aluminum extrusion. Not only do we have access to a virtually unlimited amount of aluminum, we can also pass the savings on to our customers – much more on this later.

We have just about any size and width of conduit you need, whether you’re looking for rigid metal conduit (RMC) or PullEase electrical metallic tubing (EMT). In addition, we have experts on staff who can tell you what size of conduit will work best for your specific application.

Watch Your Profits Soar

You can really boost your bottom line by changing to aluminum conduit from steel – anywhere from 40-60 percent per pound. You’ll also be able to increase labor efficiency, and see huge cost savings in that area as well.

The reason is that aluminum is about 30 percent lighter than steel. Most conduit installations involve putting 10-foot sections into the ground, behind walls or under floors. Trying to maneuver that length of steel conduit is a very demanding, labor-intensive process. That’s understandable, considering 10 feet of steel conduit weighs about 100 pounds.

Compare that to the same length of aluminum conduit, which only weighs around 35 pounds. Do you find yourself devoting two or even three people to the typical installation? When you change to aluminum, those days will be done for good. In most instances, one worker will be able to carry aluminum conduit and put it in place. Those other workers? You can put them on other projects. All of your projects will be completed faster as a result.

Other Advantages of Switching to Aluminum

As important as material and cost savings may be, there are several other benefits you’ll enjoy from changing to aluminum conduit from steel. Here’s a quick look at just some of them.

  • Aluminum is simply the safer choice. Safety is always your top priority, so this is a good enough reason to make the switch. When you use steel conduit, it can produce sparks – we don’t have to tell you how dangerous that could be if you work in a volatile environment. That won’t be a concern with aluminum, since it doesn’t emit sparks, and it also doesn’t burn.
  • Most of our clients install conduit near sensitive electronics. The wires and cables inside conduit can cause electro-magnetic interference, putting those electronics at risk. Aluminum conduit will keep that from happening – steel won’t.
  • Aluminum will also last longer, since it doesn’t develop rust or corrosion. Galvanized steel does the same thing, but the coatings are very expensive. Aluminum will last longer, and doesn’t require any special coating.

Get in touch with American Conduit before you talk to any other aluminum conduit & EMT suppliers in New Hampshire. You can give us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825 or contact us online.