Do you need 1-inch aluminum conduit, or will a different size be more appropriate for your specific application? Are you not sure what size or diameter you need? No matter what kinds of questions you may have regarding aluminum conduit, the experts with American Conduit will be more than happy to answer them. Not only are we staffed with friendly, knowledgeable professionals, we also have about a million pounds of product on hand any time of the day. We also have a network of stocking warehouses and distributors that stretches across the country.

About American Conduit

1-Inch Aluminum ConduitOur company’s mission is to promote the success of our customers by providing incredible value. Our products are innovative, and our commitment to customer service is unmatched. We’re part of the largest extruder of aluminum in the world, Hydro. This global company produces more than a half a billion (yes, billion) pounds of extrusions every year.

Not only do we have access to a basically unlimited supply of aluminum we turn into conduit, our aluminum is treated with special alloys, making it just as strong as steel. You will never find a supplier that will provide you with a better product, or at a more affordable price.

An Example of American Conduit Innovation

We recently introduced a new type of electrical metallic tubing (EMT) known as PullEase EMT. The name says it all, since this product makes it easier than ever to pull cables or wires. PullEase features a ridged interior, making lubrication unnecessary. Your workers will be able to complete installations much faster than before, which will increase efficiency exponentially.

Our company has been around since 1972. It would be easy for us to rest on our laurels and continue to sell the same conduit we’ve been selling for more than 50 years. But we’re committed to always bringing maximum value to the companies we’re honored to serve – PullEase is yet another example.

Time to Make the Switch

Every executive worth their salt is passionate about boosting their company’s bottom line. Aluminum conduit will help you do just that. We’ve routinely helped our customers save an incredible amount of money. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that we could help you save hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the scope of your conduit installations.

How is this possible? You already learned one of the reasons – we’re affiliated with Hydro, so we have a virtually limitless amount of aluminum to access. Plus, we also thread and extrude in-house, and pass the savings on to our customers.

But the biggest reason you’ll save so much money is that aluminum is only about a third the weight of steel. You could see cost savings of as much as 60 percent per foot. You also won’t have to devote as many workers to an installation. One worker can install a 10-foot section of aluminum conduit, whereas it would probably take three to install the same length of steel.

Take the Next Step

Whether you need 1 inch aluminum conduit or just about any other size, the friendly experts with American Conduit are more than ready to help. Find out more about our products by using our convenient online contact form, or by giving us a call at 1 (800) 334-6825.